MEME’s Liquidity Pool in OSMOSIS Frontier

MEME Network
3 min readJun 13, 2022


A liquidity pool is a vault into which participants deposit their assets to form a market (trading pair) and make it liquid for those wishing to trade in that pair. Technically speaking, the vault is a smart contract that securely enables users to store their tokens. Liquidity mining may result in impermanent loss, and please assess the risk before diving into the ecosystem.

Meme Network liquidity pool

OSMOSIS frontier allows Memer to participate in incentivized $MEME liquidity pools for liquidity mining to earn incentives and swap fees. This tutorial shows you how to provide the liquidity pool with $OSMO and $MEME (Pool# 701 — OSMO/MEME pair). Currently, Meme network establishes one liquidity pool in OSMOSIS frontier, that offers liquidity-providing incentives.

Pool Liquidity : The total amount in the pool

My Liquidity : The liquidity amount that you own in this pool

Bonded : The liquidity that you bonded with this pool

Swap Fee : The fee that people have to pay if they swap in the liquidity pool

Meme Network suggests every Memer to be well-prepared your fund before providing $OSMO and $MEME to the #701 liquidity pool. Each liquidity pool has its own ratio, Pool#701 OSMO/MEME ratio is 50% / 50%, which means you have to prepare 50% $MEME to match with 50% $OSMO.

You can view your $MEME and $OSMO balance on your Keplr wallet by only few clicks!

  1. Select Osmosis on your Kelpr wallet to view $OSMO balance
  2. Select Meme on your Kelpr wallet to view $MEME balance

Providing liquidity to the liquidity pool!

1. Go to

2. Click “Connect Wallet”

3. Click “Keplr Wallet” on pop-up window

4. Click “Pools”

5. Select “All Pools” and insert 701 in the search box

6. Click “MEME/OSMO” enter to Meme network liquidity pool.

7. Click Add/Remove Liquidity to add your assets into #701 pool

8. Enter $MEME and $OSMO amount

9. Click “Add Liquidity”

10. Set gas fee in the pop-up window via Keplr and click “Approve”

11. Click Start Earning to put your available tokens into the liquidity pool

12. On Bond LP tokens there are three gauges: a day, 7 days and 14 days and they offer different $MEME incentive, the longer the unbonding period the greater you earn.

13. Input the number that you want to bond and click “Next”.

14. Set gas fee in the pop-up window via Keplr and click “Approve”

15. Congratulations! You successfully added token into Meme Network liquidity pool. You can view the balance that you provided to the liquidity pool on My liquidity



MEME Network
MEME Network

Written by MEME Network

Crypto empowerment, even more MEMEingful. Aim to provide a platform and tools to our community to create, question, answer and define about meme.

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